Ryne Aalok Drago Mitra
The Totally True Story

It all began on a dreary Halloween. Sadly this was the only night I spent with my parents. A madman who believed my meager existence would become his downfall assassinated my mom and dad. Thankfully, I survived the assault, only receiving a lightning bolt scar on my forehead.
A tragedy made worse when the madman then framed me for my parent's mortality. Scared, I fled society for shelter in the jungle. I was taken in by the weirdest surrogates, a warthog and a meercat. I still blame their strict diet of bugs and grubs for my adventurous palate.
These times while precious to me, were fleeting. My happy jungle abode was about to cross paths with an imperial dictatorship. While hanging with a hermit and a robot, stormtroopers burned down my home with the warthog and meerkat inside. With nowhere left to call home, I joined the hermit to fight for a rebellion in a galaxy far, far away.
Then I decided to become a copywriter.
Contact Info
Email: rynemitra@gmail.com
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryne-mitra-49ab41131/
game over